In-text citation: Changing "p." to ":" & no "a" and "b" behind same author in same year

Dear Zotero-community,

I unfortunately have to post something concerning citation style language, again.

The citation style the institute I'm working at is using is based on the OECD-style.
According to OECD, in-text citation with pages should look like this:

(OECD, 2015: 5)

Unfortunately, when I add citation via Word-PlugIn it automatically adds a "p." in front of the page:

(OECD, 2015, p. 5)

How can I change that "p." into a ":"?


Secondly, when I add two different sources of the same author (author+"et al.") and the same year it will look like this:

(Smith Johnson et al., 2015) . . . (Smith Sheppard et al., 2015)

I would want it to look like this

(Smith et al., 2015a) . . . (Smith et al., 2015b)

Any ideas, how I could make that work?

The citation style I'm using can be found here:

Thank you so much in advance and have a great day everyone;-)!

Best regards
  • 1. Find
    <text macro="issued-year"/>
    <text macro="citation-locator"/>

    and change to

    <text macro="issued-year"/>
    <text variable="locator" prefix=": "/>

    (and delete the citation locator macro a couple of lines up.

    2. delete disambiguate-add-names="true"
  • in-text locator:
    - remove line 254
    - move line 273 out of the group and add a prefix=": "

    remove disambiguate-add-names="true" in line 257
  • (both solutions for 1. work, FWIW)
  • Dear adamsmith and damnation,

    thanks again for your fast and super helpful responses!!!
    Worked out pefectly!

    Best support ever!

    Thank you so much,
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