Safari Zotero Connector

I have a problem to install ZOTERO on my Mac: the extension to safari does not work. I have an error message of SAFARI which says that an error came when the extension of ZOTERO Connector was installed.
Could you help me please?
  • Could you describe step-by-step what you are doing and where things go bad? You can take screenshots and upload them somewhere online and link here, if that makes it easier to describe.
  • edited August 15, 2017
    first, I chose "Zotero connector" (I don't click on "zotero 5.0 for Mac", I clicked on "install safari connector" --> I clicked on the download icon, then double click on "zotero safari connector extension (593 ko) --> open of the window "extension" where a message appeared to know if we can trust to 'Zotero connector' --> click on "se fier" (and not cancel) then no download bar appeared and nothing after. The icon Zotero does not work. I have a little icon which looks like zotero but I can just save webpage as meta data...
    I send you some screenshots.
  • If you long-click on the Zotero icons and select Zotero Preferences, is Zotero listed as Available? Could you submit a Report ID
  • Report ID 1666054434
  • I had 2 new screenshots on google drive
  • Do you have Zotero 5.0 (or Zotero 4.0 Standalone) installed and running? You should, but it should work even without them.

    Could you post some URLs where you expect Zotero to work, but it does not?
  • all works!!
    As you said, I installed Zotero 5.0 then I install the safari extension. The plugin for word is ok and I have the Zotero tab in word.
    Thank you for your help!
    Have a good day
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