How do I incorporate alien citations into zotero-bibliography?

Since 'readcube smartcite' stalls above fifty citations I have now switched to zotero. In order to avoid manually redoing all citations within the word document, I am wondering whether it is possible to make zotero 5.0 incorporate the existing citations into the bibliography?
  • You can add citations to the bibliography using "Edit Bibliography" in the Word add-on (you will firsts have to insert a Zotero bibliography). But there's no way Zotero will recognize those citations -- you need to manually keep track of them. (Personally, I'd just go through the trouble and replace them, to be honest. Many citation styles will turn out wrong in one way or the other if citations aren't all inserted by Zotero).
  • Thanks mate, I guess I will get a good set of music and go for it then.
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