Oxford Journals Online - truncated journal title


When adding an article from the above page (through a proxy) the journal name comes out as J Trop Pediatr instead of Journal of Tropical Pediatrics.

The author is also being imported in block capitals.

  • You can use text transform titles by right clicking on them in the right pane, but the issue would be better resolved on Oxford's end than inside Zotero. Zotero is just grabbing the information Oxford has exposed and, for whatever reason, they want us to get their data as block capitals with journal abbreviations.
  • Hi,

    The full journal title is exposed (although I agree that Oxford have made a bad design decision). From the page source:

    <h1 id="page_title" title="Journal of Tropical Pediatrics"><a href="/"><span>Journal of Tropical Pediatrics</span></a></h1>

    The text transform would be great but on my machine (zotero 1.5b2, firefox 3.0.9) the option only appears for Title and Publication.
  • Zotero generally does not scrape pages, it grabs RIS files that journals make available for tools like Zotero.

    Adding text transformation to other fields is probably a good idea.
  • Adding text transformation to other fields is probably a good idea.
    There is a ticket for this:
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