I need help with editing ACS Style for my masterthesis (Papersapp 3)

Hello there,

in terms of my master thesis I have to edit the citation style "American Chemical Society (with titles)", so that website articles show the URL as well as the access date in my bibliography. Yesterday, I tried to edit the style via "CSL Editor" for hours but I did not manage to reach my goal. It should look like this in particular:

Author. Title. "URL: xxx.htm" (Zugegriffen am xx.xx.xxxx)

Is there anyone who is able to tell me how exactly I have to edit this style? From my point of view I tried everything in my power, so I am grateful for any advice and support.

I am using a Mac and Papersapp 3 (Version 3.4.10)

Thank you so much in advance!

  • Do you mean you want the URL to show for website items? If so, the style is already set up to do that. If it’s not showing up, I would suspect it’s an issue with Papers 3.
  • How do webpage citations currently look for you?
    They should print as something like

    (1) CSL search by example http://editor.citationstyles.org/searchByExample/ (accessed Dec 15, 2012).

    If you just need the term ("accessed" ==> "Zugegriffen") and the punctuation changed, that's easy. But if the URL and accessed data aren't showing at all, that's a Papers issue and we can't do anything about that.
  • @bwiernik Yes I have seen that, but I am not talking about website items but about that kind of source called "website article", being found when you want to add a new paper and click "new paper" > "article" > "website article".
    I already sent that question to CitationStyles.org and they told me that
    "The "American Chemical Society (with titles)" style

    only prints the URL and access date for actual website items, not for
    journal article items that have an URL."

    @bwiernik & @adamsmith therefore, I need a kind of source
    1. I can relate to when I want to refer to information found on websites or pdfs that are uploaded e.g. by an institution on their website (thats why I chose website article in papers 3)
    2. I can pick in papers as citation (there is no other category that says anything with "website")

    currently, my website article sources look as follows in my bibliography:

    Anhang B Zur Richtlinie Der GTFCh Zur Qualitätssicherung Bei Forensisch-Toxikologischen Untersuchungen. June 8, 2009, pp 1–24.

    I want to edit the style so that it finally looks like:

    Anhang B Zur Richtlinie Der GTFCh Zur Qualitätssicherung Bei Forensisch-Toxikologischen Untersuchungen. June 8, 2009, pp 1–24. URL: http://... (Zugriff am xx.xx.xxxx).

    Thank you for your quick response, hopefully we will find a solution for my issue.

    All the best

  • edited August 13, 2017
    Edited: You'd have to find out what "website article" maps to in CSL before we can help you. I'm unfortunately not aware of a published papers to CSL mapping.
  • Yes, unfortunately, I don't have any idea what item type in CSL Papers 3 exports "website article" to. In general, Papers 3 doesn't play particularly well with the broader CSL environment in terms of mapping fields/item types consistently.
  • @adamsmith & @bwiernik okay I will check that!

    Just in addion: Do you see any chance that another category (as "webpage" and "website article" obviously do not cover) displays URL and access date?
    Unfortunately the csl script of the acs with titles -style that papers refers to does not even contain the word "website", even though it is a category in the papers app.
  • You'd be looking for the term webpage in the .csl code (which usually also comes with post-weblog).
  • my guess would be that "website article" maps to article or article-journal. The current ACS styles only include URLs for webpages.
  • The CSL type variable is called webpage. You can see a comparison of all of the Zotero item types/fields to CSL variables here:

    It would be great if Papers published a similar map, but without this, it's hard for us to offer any guidance on editing styles to fit with Papers (but also, it's somewhat annoying that they don't have a set of item types/fields that is more consistent with the way other programs implement CSL).
  • in papers there are sub-categories of articles being

    Journal Article
    Magazine Article
    Newspaper Article and
    Website Article

    non of which matches with "webpage". In non of the head categories something with "web" appears, so I lost hope that papers is able to translate "webpage" functions from .csl. That´s why I tried to find "website-articl"e or "article-website" or something else with "web" in the code, hoping to find out which information papers takes to create the "website article" style.

    @damnation yes I was looking for "webpage" but this does not cover with the "website article" which is available in papers. ACS shows URL for webpages (acc. to the code) but it does not as I declare papers to be "website articles. ...and in papers there is no way to designate papers to be "webpages".

    FOR ALL:

    I sent a ticket to papersapp to ask them which line in the code covers the "website article"-category, hopefully they can tell me. As soon as I got an answer I´ll let you know.
  • edited August 13, 2017
    @adamsmith correction, still not working. "article" includes all kinds of article (also journal article which are 90% of my sources), including "website article".
  • Please look at rhe Zotero - CSL Type map I link to above. Those are the only CSL types that exist. It’s possible that Papers maps “Website Article” to either “article” or “article-journal”. If it’s the latter, that doesn’t make much sense. If you like, we can tell you how to add URLs to a journal citation, but I suspect that will not be what your journal wants.

    Taking a step back, what sort of items do you have stored as “Website Article”? Is there a different type, like “Webpage” that might be more appropriate?
  • Okay, so I tested this out with Papers. They appear to be exporting this type as "article", which frankly doesn't make any sense and is wrong on their part.

    @wntddoa You can change your local copy of the style by adding this line between lines 170 and 171:
    <text variable="URL" quotes="true" prefix=" " suffix=" " />

    Alternatively, you could find line 168 in the .csl file and deleting "article" from the list there, then add "article" after "webpage" in line 242.

    @adamsmith Would we want to make any change to this style to accommodate Papers' odd mapping? Would it be possible to encourage a more appropriate mapping (e.g., article-journal or webpage)?
  • We don't have anyone to talk to at Papers anymore, so no to the second part. I'm not inclined to change the style in this respect; for one, I'm not sure ACS wants you to actually include URLs in these cases, but also Mendeley uses "article" as a fallback category for its item types, so this could cause all types of problems.
  • That’s what I figured.
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