How to speed up large reviews under MS Word and Oowriter

For a text with more than 200 citations, adding a new citation becomes very slow. Now I cut the text in parts with no more than 150 citations and fuse they later. But if some change should be done on the final text it is extremely slow on my system (Xp and Ubuntu 8.10 on a Athlon 64 3500+ with 1G RAM). Up two 2 minutes to edit one citation.
What can speed Zotero? Having a better processor or simply increasing the RAM?

Thanks for your very useful program.

  • Yves,

    This is a known issue, and it is being worked on. A new CSL processor (the code that does the citation and bibliography formatting) will permit fewer transactions between Zotero and the word processor with documents containing many citations. This will take some time to develop and deploy, but when it becomes available you should see a considerable speed improvement.

    Frank Bennett
  • Thanks Frank

    I realize that when I remove the bibliography, updating or adding citations is far more rapid.
    Apparently most of the time is due to updating the bibliography.
    Conclusion: do not add the bibliography as long as the citations should be edited
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