Way to replace 'et al' with different text?

Hi, I've recently started to generate my own CSL scripts and they seem to work ok so far.

My question is whether it is possible to alter the 'et al' function to read something else? The journal style I'm working on at the moment uses "& other authors" in the bibliography in the same way that most use "et al". The style still uses 'et al' in citation.

  • mbeale,

    This will be supported in a new CSL processor that is being developed for Zotero.

    Frank Bennett
  • edited April 23, 2009
    1. unpack zotero.jar

    2. Try to do translations in your locale files in extensions\zotero@chnm.gmu.edu\chrome\zotero\content\zotero\locale\csl.

    3. repack zotero.jar
  • Heromyth: you can already declare custom terms in CSL styles, which would be easier than following your workaround. The problem is that mbeale wishes to use a different term for "et al." for in-text citations, while the bibliography should still use "et al.". A solution has been though of, but as Frank indicated, it hasn't been implemented yet.
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