Zotero 5.0.8, hanging on search

Since the upgrade to Zotero 5.0, I have been experiencing severe hang-times on searches (PC, on both Windows 7 and 10). Anyone else have this problem? There are two stages of the hang. First, the search results are blank (or what was previously shown stays). Then the search results finally show up, but they are grayed out, and the search icon keeps spinning. When the grayed-out results are selected, the information does not come into the info window pane on right.

As I'm typing this I am currently waiting for a search to resolve. It has been ~5 min.

If I restart the problem usually goes away for a time. It doesn't happen on each search (I just restarted and did 3-4 searches without incident). I can't discern a pattern for when it does happen.

Any thoughts about a solution?

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