Unread Feed Items Not Being Removed

My feed settings are to remove unread feed items after 30 days. There are many items on a blog feed that are months old but have not been removed. Is this a bug or do I have to do something to have the unread items removed?
  • What is the URL of the feed? The items are only removed if they disappear from the RSS feed itself.
  • https://www.lifechurchstlouis.org/blog/feed/

    The feed has 10 posts, but I have 14 in Zotero. Removal apparently doesn't work.
  • Could you submit a Debug ID for refreshing the feed (right-click on a Feed -> Refresh Feed)?
  • D1712920964
  • There does not seem to be any errors. Note that the Date field listed in the client is not what Zotero uses to decide when to remove deleted items, but rather when they were first added to Zotero during the RSS feed scan. So if an item first appeared in the feed 3 months ago and was removed from it two weeks ago, but Zotero scanned the feed and found the item 3 weeks ago, the Data column will list the item as 3 months old, but won't delete it until it appeared in the feed view for 30 days.
  • I set remove read and unread to 1 day and it trimmed the feed down to its 10 posts. The feed has been in place for several weeks. So, all posts should have been removed on refresh, but they were not. Zotero simply keeps all posts in the feed. It removes only those that are not in the feed. Is this intentional or a bug?
  • This is actually documented in the code itself and is the intended behaviour.

    As noted in my previous post, Zotero keeps track of when it added an item to your feed that is not displayed to the user. The 4 posts that no longer appear in that RSS feed were discovered by Zotero more than 1 day ago, but less than 30 days ago. When you reduced the threshold to 1 day they were correctly removed on update.
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