Zotero 5 Stops working after trying to access files in any reference

Report ID: 1513164972

When I expand any reference to access the pdf I get a general message "An error has occurred. Please restart Zotero. You can report this error by selecting "Report Errors..." from the Actions (gear) menu."

-Open Folder
-Click of the arrow of any reference
- Zotero displays the msg mentioned
  • Does this happen at any specific time (e.g., during syncing)? Also, you can open the pdf just by double clicking on the top level item, you don’t need to expand it first.
  • 5.0.4
    Start by upgrading to the latest version, which is 5.0.8.
  • Thanks!
    After restarting both the program and my laptop several times I gave up last night. Today is working fine. Not sure why, but I am glad

    Thanks for your advice!.... I'll download the latest version of Zotero.
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