Zotero Connector for Chrome can't connect to Zotero

This discussion was created from comments split from: Zotero Connector not working in Chrome or Safari.
  • Hello, I have a similar issue - I am running Zotero 5.0.8, Zotero Connector 5.0.13, Chrome Version 60.0.3112.90 (Official Build) (32-bit), and Windows 8.

    When running Zotero (standalone) my connector icon on chrome is in red and hovering my mouse says "Zotero is Online". In Zotero options, my status says "Zotero is currently unavailable." My pingback says "Zotero Connector Server is Available". Occasionally I can click on the Zotero icon (on Web of Knowledge database) and a popup says "Saving item..." but it does not show up in my library (sometimes the popup doesn't show up either).

    If I try to submit a debug report, it says unknown error... check your internet connection (which I assume is not an issue since I'm currently submitting this report, and all webpages have been working).

    I have restarted my computer but the problem persists.

    I would really appreciate any help on this. I have not had any issues saving links through firefox, but I recently uninstalled firefox, switched to chrome, and updated my zotero standalone and connectors. I'm not sure if this has any influence on this matter.

    Cheers and thanks.
  • Disable all your other Chrome extensions and see if that helps.
  • Hello, thank you for your reply. Unfortunately disabling my other extensions did not fix the problem. Zotero is still "unavailable".
  • Can you upgrade to 5.0.14 and see if you're still having trouble?
  • That seems to have fixed the problem!
    Thank you for your help!
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