Bibliography Appears Without Italics

Hello Zotero friends,

I installed the latest version of Zotero, with Turabian 8th edition installed as well. My footnotes appear fine, but in WORD when I insert the Bibliography, the title of the book has no italics. I have to manually add italics to each entry in the Bibliography. Also, when I try to edit the Bib entry in Zotero, the entry appears fine within the app with italics for the title. But for some reason when it appears in my Word doc, it loses the italics.

Any suggestions?
  • I read that article but I still had one question. It says, "You would then remove this reference after finalizing the document and converting Zotero citations to plain text (we highly recommend saving a copy of the document before doing this)."

    What does it mean to convert it to pain text? Why would I do this? Converting it to pain text would just strip away any italics.

    I've always just inserted the bibliography and left it at that. Am I missing something?

  • “Plain text” here means to click the “Unlink Citations” button in the Zotero tab, which converts the citations and bibliography from the live fields that automatically update from Zotero to regular text. It doesn’t mean that formatting is removed.
  • Is this the only workaround?

    In the past, I've never had this problem before when inserting my Bib, but now on a new computer it's started doing this.

    Do I now have to do this work around every time? Any other suggestions?

  • Read the description of the problem in the link I posed. This can happen in Word when the first item in the bibliography is more than 50% italics—e.g., if it has a very long title. This is an annoying behavior of Word’s; Zotero unfortunately can’t do anything about it.
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