PDF metadata

The ability to extract metadata from PFD is great and I use it a lot on already stored pdf files or pdf's I get from others. However, for pdf's download through Zotero (using the create item from current page), the option to extract metadata does not show up when right clicking. In many sites without translators I end up opening the pdf and then creating zotero item . Can this feature be added ?
  • Rather than "create item from current page", just drag the PDF's URL into zotero. This will download the file & will not attach it to an item. You will therefore be able to retrieve metadata for it.

    For PDFs you've already downloaded, you just need to move them from their parent webpage entry so that they are top-level items instead of attachments.
  • Works like a charm. I did not know about both of these features. It is so great to have these forums. Thanks so much.
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