Bullet point alignment in notes

When copying and pasting text from MS Word (font: Times New Roman, size: 12) into a zotero note 2 alignment issues arise:

1. Any letters that cross the baseline (g, p, q etc) have the descenders removed
2. Bullet points are displayed over the bulleted item as if either the bullet is too far to the right, or the text is not indented enough

You can see a screenshot here: http://imgur.com/a/JLcKE

This is on Windows 10 with Zotero 5.0.7
  • Bumping this because it still doesn't appear to be fixed. Is anyone else able to reproduce this?
  • A workaround: copy/paste word outline into OneNote. Then copy/paste OneNote into Zotero note. This method saves outline indentation (but not outline style format, i.e., 1., a., i. becomes 1., 1., 1.).

    The method saves text highlights, but does not save screenshots. A copy/paste of a screenshot from the OneNote outline into Zotero notes is a blank text box. However, a copy/paste of a screenshot from the original Word outline into Zotero notes is the actual screenshot.

    User: Windows 10. Zotero 5.0.55
  • I believe that this has been mentioned before on these forums as a bug in TinyMCE, not Zotero, so it will require a fix from the developers of TinyMCE. If you investigate and find the right place to request TinyMCE fixes, please post here because I have some other similar issues but wasn't able to figure out where to report them.
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