"Style Request: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum"

Huge thanks to @damnation for creating this style and @bwiernik and @Rintze for making sure I supply everything needed for success. Should we discuss tweaks here or shall I continue email discussion with @damnation? Thank you.
  • (continuation of https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/281295/#Comment_281295)

    Either is fine. If you already have a GitHub account, or don't mind making one, we can also continue the discussion at https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/2843.
  • edited July 27, 2017
  • Thank you. I saved the above but can't see that it has made the updates. All issues I mentioned in email are still present. I'll retype here:

    Individual citations:
    Needs method for including page numbers cited through Zotero followed by a closing period, whether page numbers are cited or not.

    See first example on first page of scan, but basically will look like this following your examples:
    Campbell and Pedersen 2007, 210-13.

    So, an if statement that if pages are present, put comma and page range after year. If no pages, then just closing period.

    Header “last name date” should not be in bold, just regular type
    [I know this is what it looked like in the biblio page I sent, but that is what the Met does, not the Gardner, apologies for the confusion]

    Publisher & date needs a closing parentheses before the period.

    Journal article titles need to be in quotation marks.

    Journal article needs to display series, volume, and issue, as in Chicago Manual of Style.

    Also, is there a way to generate bibliography single space as does in other formats?

    Thank you!
  • Did you only saved it or also installed it? Sorry, it is maybe stupid question but it is not clear from your post.
  • I installed it.
  • Any progress on tweaking this fabulous new style?
  • Rintze had requested a few things in the other thread. (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/281406/#Comment_281406)

    We want to make sure the naming of the style is correct and we usually use the title page of the journal. Often times the written name is not what they use on the front of their journals. I know this is not a journal, but something as close to that would be helpful.
    That's why this has not moved further.
  • Did you mean this: @annecleader, thanks. Could you send @damnation scans of the title page and/or bibliographic information page (imprint) of the printout as well (https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/files/1177458/ISG.Museum.House.Style.pdf)? We like knowing as much as possible about the document outlining the citation format requirements.

    I have sent you what I have. If you would like the cover page, etc. of that Crivelli catalogue entry, I can get it. Just let me know.
  • edited August 8, 2017
    I've just added one more file to the PR, the bibliography section of that example paper. Apparently those guidelines @annecleader sent is all she has.
    This style is for people either in house or on commission writing for the museum, so this is not as public as for your normal journal. All she was sent was this .pdf of a printout.
  • I just sent @damnation the title page and full bibliography from the sample I sent him before. If there is a way to post here I'm happy to do so!
  • Update:
    some of the changes seem to have taken effect, but still lacking some formatting. Let me know best way to proceed, and I will do so. Thanks!
  • What specifically?
  • final citation needs to be closed with a period

    book/journal titles need to be in italics

    English titles are not displaying in Title Case

    Series number should display after series title

    Editors should display as author when there is no author, followed by ed. or eds. as needed

    Editors should display separately from author when both are present with editor after the title like this Book Title m ed. First Name Last Name (City: Publisher, date).

    Journal issue and month should display if present.

    They also have very particular rules about exhibition catalogues. Not sure how best to make that work but probably with the extra field
  • Also, in bibliography, when volume is cited, Volume should be capitalized

    When there is only an editor, the full name needs to be present as the author. It is currently showing up like this:

    Zuccari et al. 2009

    Beato Angelico: l’alba del Rinascimento. (Milan: Skira, 2009).

    But it should be:

    Zuccari et al. 2009
    Alessandro Zuccari et al. Beato Angelico: l'alba del Rinascimento. (Milan: Skira, 2009).

    Note that there is not a blank line between short form and full citation
  • Page ranges should repeat last two numbers so:

    236-37, not 236-7
  • I just sent @damnation the title page and full bibliography from the sample I sent him before. If there is a way to post here I'm happy to do so!
    I'm pretty sure @damnation can add those files to https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/2843, and he will probably also take a look at the issues you listed above, so you're all set for now.
  • edited August 9, 2017
    - final citation needs to be closed with a period: done
    - book/journal titles need to be in italics: not according to the guidelines
    - English titles are not displaying in Title Case: You need to do that within Zotero by hand or using a plugin (search on the forum)
    - Series number should display after series title: added
    - Editors should display as author when there is no author, followed by ed. or eds. as needed: should be added now
    - Editors should display separately from author when both are present with editor after the title like this Book Title m ed. First Name Last Name (City: Publisher, date).: was already there.
    - Journal issue and month should display if present: where do you see that in their guidelines?
    - They also have very particular rules about exhibition catalogues. Not sure how best to make that work but probably with the extra field: no clue. that needs more digging and an example for me to import into Zotero.

    - Also, in bibliography, when volume is cited, Volume should be capitalized: done
    - Note that there is not a blank line between short form and full citation: What do you mean?

    Have a go with this one. I don't think you were actually using the latest one I had made: https://github.com/POBrien333/styles/raw/378fb2dae6205c0923c45b13b964f2037d3c8197/isabella-stewart-gardner-museum.csl

    P.S.: You can always just edit your posts by clicking on the settings wheel on the right hand top corner of a post. ;)
  • Book Titles and Journal titles definitely need to be in Italics. Perhaps it was hard to see the change of font in the PDF I sent, but I promise, they need to be in Italics just like Chicago Manual of Style. This style is basically CMS but with some peculiar tweaks.

    As for journal issue number, see the Review of a book in a journal, you'll see Master Drawings 26, no. 2 (1988), 137-38

    I'm off to a Town Hall but will test the updates later today. Thank you so much!
  • edited August 10, 2017
    Book titles are in italics, but journal articles are in "...". I'm looking at the Roger Ward example in the guidelines.

    Please actually test the file out. I've made many changes since and some of the discussion is obsolete now: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/POBrien333/styles/ebb4336ae78425580a8381614892bd1ba2f41a7c/isabella-stewart-gardner-museum.csl
  • Thanks. Will check it out. I meant that the Journal Title, not the article title, needs to be in italics. Will report back shortly.

  • The file will only download as a .txt file. Advice?
  • Right click on that link and choose save as. It should download as a .csl file which Zotero automatically detect as a style file.
  • @damnation title casing can be correctly formated in style, it is not necessary to do it manually in Zotero; sentence casing is problematic.
  • I right click "Download File" and then it saves with .txt at the end. I have no idea why because I did this successfully before.
  • Same happens if I click "Download Linked File As"
  • After you've downloaded it as .txt, just rename the file and change the extension to .csl
  • You can copy/paste the code into the Code Editor, then switching to the visualEditor and downloading it from there: http://editor.citationstyles.org/codeEditor/
  • Bless you. Was driving me nuts! Got it now and will test.
  • I have had a chance to review the revised format. It is looking great, but there are still a few issues:

    1) In bibliography: line spacing needs adjustment. Author Date and full citation should be single spaced, with a single line between each entry. Sample:

    Petrioli Tofani 1986
    Annamaria Petrioli Tofani, ed. Inventario: 1. Disegni esposti. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1986).

    2) In bibliography: Author name should be in regular font, not all caps. [I know this is how the sample I sent looks, but it is not what is in their guidelines. We should follow the guidelines first and then look to sample bibliography when the guidelines do not include the example we need.] Sample:

    Petrioli Tofani 1986
    Annamaria Petrioli Tofani, ed. Inventario: 1. Disegni esposti. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1986).

    3) In bibliography: volume needs to be capitalized and abbreviated. Sample:

    Bernhard Degenhart and Annegrit Schmitt. Corpus der italienischen Zeichnungen, 1300-1450. Vol. 1: Süd-und Mittelitalien. (Berlin: Mann, 1968).

    4) Editor not displaying as author when there is only an editor. Sample:


    Inventario: 1. Disegni esposti. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1986).

    Should be:
    Petrioli Tofani 1986
    Annamaria Petrioli Tofani, ed. Inventario: 1. Disegni esposti. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1986).

    5) In bibliography, series title should display. Currently seems only to display when a volume number is present. Should display either way. Moreover, series number should immediately follow series title without punctuation. Volume and issue numbers should follow abbreviations vol. and no. as needed Samples:

    AGOSTI 2001 [series w/ volume]

    Disegni del Rinascimento in Valpadana. Volume 87 of Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2001).

    Should be
    Agosti 2001
    Giovanni Agosti, ed. Disegni del Rinascimento in Valpadana. Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi, vol. 87 (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2001).

    PETRIOLI TOFANI 1986 [series w/o number]

    Inventario: 1. Disegni esposti. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1986).

    Should be
    Petrioli Tofani 1986
    Annamaria Petrioli Tofani, ed. Inventario: 1. Disegni esposti. Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1986).

    BALDINI 1970 [series w/ series number]

    Umberto Baldini. L’opera completa dell’Angelico. Classici dell’arte. (Milan: Rizzoli, 1970).

    Should be
    Baldini 1970
    Umberto Baldini. L’opera completa dell’Angelico. Classici dell’arte 38 (Milan: Rizzoli, 1970).

    Note there should be no period at end of series name

    6) In bibliography, we need a special display type for Exhibition Catalogues. I typed it in the Extra field, but it displayed after the publication info. It should come between Title and publication info. Sample:

    ZUCCARI ET AL. 2009

    Beato Angelico: l’alba del Rinascimento. (Milan: Skira, 2009) Exh. cat.

    Should be:
    Zuccari et al. 2009
    Alessandro Zuccari, et al., eds. Beato Angelico: l’alba del Rinascimento. Exh.cat. (Milan: Skira, 2009).

    7) In Chicago Manual of Style output, when English is indicated as language, title displays in Title Case, rather than sentence case. Is there a way to do that here?

    8) Chapters in books need to have chapter title in quotation marks. No use of "In" and editor follows book title. Sample:

    PEDONE 2015

    Silvia Pedone. Il Trittico di Beato Angelico: qualche novità iconografica. In Daniela Porro, ed., Il Trittico del Beato Angelico della Galleria Corsini, Restauri in Corsini. (Rome: Gangemi, 2015), 51–61.

    Should be:

    Pedone 2015
    Silvia Pedone. "Il Trittico di Beato Angelico: qualche novità iconografica." Il Trittico del Beato Angelico della Galleria Corsini, Restauri in Corsini, ed. Daniela Porro (Rome: Gangemi, 2015), 51–61.

    9) As in Chicago Manual of Style, Journal series should be indicated by n.s. (new series) or rel. number like 2nd ser., 3rd ser., etc. Sample:


    Anna Santagostino Barbone. “Il Giudizio Universale del Beato Angelico per la chiesa del monastero camaldolese di S. Maria degli Angeli a Firenze.” Memorie domenicane 20 (1989), 255–78.

    Should be:

    Santagostino Barbone 1989
    Anna Santagostino Barbone. “Il Giudizio Universale del Beato Angelico per la chiesa del monastero camaldolese di S. Maria degli Angeli a Firenze.” Memorie domenicane, n.s., 20 (1989), 255–78.

    Otherwise looks fantastic. Thank you so much!!!

  • 1. Line spacing: it's set at 1. check in your word processor.
    2-3: done
    4: @adamsmith @Rintze : you got some advice? As I call author-short already, it doesn't display it again via the author-or-editor macro.
    5: What item type are you using for this Agosti reference?
    6: What item type are you using for these catalogues? then I can add the extra field to be used.
    7: titles for what items? Please specify.
    8: done
    9: not sure what series that is. Can you find the csl variable using this? https://aurimasv.github.io/z2csl/typeMap.xml#map-presentation

    Current file: https://github.com/POBrien333/styles/raw/773a085e435ead0ad1e9d5ee4dd91778937b7a8e/isabella-stewart-gardner-museum.csl
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