library settings for online library interface

Hi I have a group library and many of the individuals viewing this library are doing so in the online interface, rather than downloading Zotero standalone. Many of the items in this group library are reports. Recently, I got a request from an individual to change the fields that are displayed when looking at the complete list of references for the group library on the online interface. They asked that I display the institution that put out the report. When I click the "library settings" dropdown, I see publisher, but I don't see institution as an option.. is there a way to get the institution name to display and to save it so that it always appears when users go to the group library page on the online interface?
  • publisher should list institution -- have you tried?
    But there is currently no way to customize the view of your group library on for visitors, sorry.
  • I tried but it didn't work... the publisher column was blank for items that had an institution name listed in their metadata.

  • @fcheslack did I remember incorrectly that you had this fixed at one point, i.e. that zotero variables like institution were available in their "parent" category (publisher here)?
  • No, this never would have worked. The web library doesn't even have the base field mappings at the moment.
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