style request: Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie
[Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie]( is a reputable journal in Economic Geography domain. Despite the preserved original Dutch name, the journal is published only in English.
It has quite a specific style of citation. I hovered though the whole list of unique styles in the repository but did not find a single matching one.
The good CSLs to start with are: Antiquity and Geografie Sborník ČGS.
*Examples from the journal's guideline*:
>- Articles from journals: MONTECARLO, A. S. (1997), Reality and Simulation of International Migration in Europe. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 87, pp. 537-545.
Chapters of books: OSMAN, C.S. (1996), Political and Social Insecurity in Gualaba. In: R. AHMEDI & W. RABAN, eds., The Geography of Insecurity in Enigmatic Countries, pp. 305-355. Brensfield: Clarion Press.
- Books: DOLESEN, R. (1996), Global Alteration of Economic Wealth in High Latitude Countries. 3rd edition. Toronto: New Inuit Press.
- Theses: VAN BARINGS, I.N.G. (1995), The Economics of World Banking (Ph.D. thesis, University of Amsterdam).
Here is how it looks is print:

[Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie]( is a reputable journal in Economic Geography domain. Despite the preserved original Dutch name, the journal is published only in English.
It has quite a specific style of citation. I hovered though the whole list of unique styles in the repository but did not find a single matching one.
The good CSLs to start with are: Antiquity and Geografie Sborník ČGS.
*Examples from the journal's guideline*:
>- Articles from journals: MONTECARLO, A. S. (1997), Reality and Simulation of International Migration in Europe. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 87, pp. 537-545.
Chapters of books: OSMAN, C.S. (1996), Political and Social Insecurity in Gualaba. In: R. AHMEDI & W. RABAN, eds., The Geography of Insecurity in Enigmatic Countries, pp. 305-355. Brensfield: Clarion Press.
- Books: DOLESEN, R. (1996), Global Alteration of Economic Wealth in High Latitude Countries. 3rd edition. Toronto: New Inuit Press.
- Theses: VAN BARINGS, I.N.G. (1995), The Economics of World Banking (Ph.D. thesis, University of Amsterdam).
Here is how it looks is print:

Here they are:
In-text citation:
(Campbell & Pedersen 2007)
(Mares 2001)
CAMPBELL, J. L., & O. K. PEDERSEN (2007), The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 40, pp. 307–332.
MARES, I. (2001), Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: P. A. HALL & D. SOSKICE, eds., Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, pp. 184–213. New York: Oxford University Press.
Try this style:
The only problematic point that I see is the rendering of URLs. Now it preserves the html tags, like "<" and "/>"
And is there a way to reduce the spacing in the reference list?
The guidelines specify double line spacing (see "The full list of references should be double-spaced at the end of the text...")
Thanks a lot!