Sync problem

I'm using 5.0 and have an item (email type) that is seen in the web version, can be searched and found by the api and that does not appear in the zotero client
Any clue ?

Thanks F.
  • Can you start debug output logging, make a small change to the item on the online library, see if the sync goes through (it should try automatically if you have auto-sync enabled), and then submit the debug output and provide a Debug ID?
  • edited July 14, 2017
    I tried this yesterday without the degug on. I saw that the edit from the web does not work: I could'nt change an mail title (and still can't). Clicking on save does not change anything.
  • edited July 14, 2017
    That's probably just a bug in the web version when viewing the Email item type. Try changing "Subject" (or any other field), not "Title".
  • Yes it was: changing the summary works.
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