Choose from different databases

Forgive me if this question has been asked before (it probably has): Is it somehow possible to open (and close) different sets of data / databases / collections?
I have a work-related bibliographic database and a database of my private collections. Together they amount to 10.000 entries. Only rarely do I need both collections open at the same time.
Such a large database slows down Firefox/Zotero considerably. Thus, performance problems are the main reason for me not to completely abandon JabRef for Zotero.
I would love to be able to choose from different databases in Zotero.
  • Sure. You can select a different data directory from the Advanced pane of the Zotero prefs.
  • Oh, of course. I knew I could do that but it never occurred to me that I could use that function in order to manage different databases. It's not quite the same as a "File/Open"-dialogue but it works.
    Thanks a lot!
  • Alternatives, by the way, include using multiple Firefox profiles (if you also want to keep the rest of your private/work Firefox data separate) or using some external program (e.g., rooSwitch on OS X) to swap in different versions of the Zotero data directory into the default location.
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