Error 716160466 - Synching Group Library

I and several others of my colleagues have encountered an error using our group library. Initially I was able to access the files using Zotero stand alone. Now the meta files are still available but when I want to open the PDF files the path cannot be found. My first idea was that during the synch process the file path gets all mixed up.

Please help! I already tried uninstalling Zotero as well as resetting the library locally on my computer. The error message also states that there is a problem during synching.

  • The error message also states that there is a problem during synching.
    What's the message?
  • I'm using the German Version. It says:

    Bei der Dateisynchronisation ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie die Synchronisation erneut.

    Sollten Sie diese Benachrichtigung wiederholt erhalten, starten Sie Zotero und/oder Ihren Computer neu und versuchen Sie nochmals die Synchronisation. Falls Sie diese Benachrichtigung dennoch weiterhin erhalten, erstellen Sie einen Fehlerbericht und posten Sie die ID des Fehlerberichts in einem neuen Thread im Zotero Forum.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that produces the error?
  • In English:
    An error occurred during file synchronization. Please try again.

    If you receive this notification repeatedly, restart Zotero and / or your computer and try to synchronize again. If you still receive this notification, create an error report and post the error report ID in a new thread in the Zotero forum.
  • This is the Debug ID
  • It looks one of your attachments ended up with an invalid character in its filename. We'll fix this for the next version, but in the meantime, paste BICBZX4M into the search bar in All Fields & Tags mode in your group library and either delete the attachment and empty the trash or click on the attachment name at the top of the right-hand pane and rename it, selecting the checkbox to rename the attached file as well. (The invalid character might be invisible, so you may need to retype it completely.)
  • Thank you very much for your detailed solution. Unfortunately, we are talking about more than 400 PDFs at the moment. When do you think will the next version be available?
  • edited July 3, 2017
    Did you try what I suggested? There's only one file that's causing problems for you. The error just stops the sync.
  • OK, I've also made a server-side change that may fix this.
  • Thank you so much, the problem seems to be solved. I will check with my colleagues and get back to you.
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