Changing tags in group library

edited June 28, 2017
I'm an admin in a small private group; the tags have gotten out of control, so I used Zutilo to eliminate the old tags and repopulate with a small set. I've synced these to the group library online; however, I"m afraid that when another member of the group (We all have admin privileges) syncs now, the many, many old tags will get added back to the group library online, eliminating the work I've done.

I'm thinking of temporarily changing everyone's privileges to members and then have them sync, which would--I think--reset their local libraries with the new, smaller set of tags. Then I could give them back their admin rights, and proceed as usual.

Would this work, or is there another way to have the changes I've made stick for everyone?

  • Intriguing -- I'll note that this will work much better with Zotero 5.0, which has better handling of tag and collection conflicts (in the sense that much fewer situations are treated as conflicts).

    That said, I think your workaround should actually -- work, yes (provided you have the library set up so that members cannot edit).
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