Delimiter of in-text citation suddenly changes in specific constellation of sources

edited June 27, 2017
I have a strange problem tuning my favourite citation style (KZfSZ, german) for my publication.

The semicolon is defined as delimiter between sources, so normally citations look like that: (De Waal 1982; Wilson 2009). This stays true also when there are multiple sources of one author separated by comma - like this: (De Waal 1982, 1996; Wilson 2009)

BUT when a delimiter is surrounded by multiple sources of one author then all of a sudden the semicolon turns into a comma: (De Waal 1982, 1996, Wilson 2009, 2012)

Just to make this clear: When another source of a different author is added "in between" the other authors, the semicolon comes back: (De Waal 1982, 1996; Wellman 2014; Wilson 2009, 2012)

Unfortunately I cannot post the code, but the source is from line 135 here:

Can anybody help? Thank you in advance
  • This looks like a bug somewhere. Does it happen with any other styles (e.g., APA)? What about other German styles?

    @fbennett Is this possibly a bug in citeproc-js?
  • bwiernik -- have you tested this?
  • edited June 27, 2017
    @adamsmith I can replicate it using KZfSZ and APA. It specifically happens when there are two author sets with collapsed citations in a row.

    e.g., (Hunter, 1983, 1997, Schmidt, 1971, 1974)

    So I'm thinking it is a bug somewhere in the collapse or delimiter code.
  • Oh ok, that means I cannot fix it in the CSL code, right? It's not really important for me since this use case only appears very seldom. But I wanted to let you know anyway. Thank you for the quick responses.
  • Looks right for me in the current beta, which means it's likely been fixed since. bwiernik -- can you test with the beta or the propachi add-on?
  • Correct, the style should handle this correctly as is, so nothing for you to fix.
  • You guys are great!
  • edited June 27, 2017
    I'm still having the problem on 5.0-beta.222+a56af4a10 with or without Propachi Upper v1.1.87 enabled.
  • Weird -- testing in Word or the style editor?
  • Word 2016, Mac
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