Problem : Document not visible in the Zotero application

I can see all my files but they all empty even if I select my library.
Whereas I can see all the documents on the Zotero website in my account.
I have no problem with the synchronisation. Sync is complete when i click on it.

I have put Zotfile in extension to put all the PDFs on my computer.

I need help. My ID is 2138040041
  • what icon do the PDFs have? A red-white PDF icon or a white icon with a chainlink?
  • Yes, a white icon with a chainlink for quite every PDF I have. I used Zot File to put them into my computer.
    Do you know how to do ?
  • Zotero doesn't sync linked files; you'll need to sync the files separately, e.g. via Dropbox and probably want to set up relative links in the advanced preferences of Zotero under Files and Folders before doing so (note this is a somewhat advanced setup. If you want simple one-click sync, the way to go would be to not have ZotFile move the files and simply let Zotero handle the file sync).
  • I also have this problem when I try to put new document in Zotero :
    TypeError: win.ZoteroPane.itemsView.saveSelection is not a function
    (chrome://zotfile/content/zotfile.js, 3248)
  • I also just got the same

    TypeError: win.ZoteroPane.itemsView.saveSelection is not a function
    (chrome://zotfile/content/zotfile.js, 3256)
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