Search for a word within a note

how can i do it in the 1.5 version?
the browser's search function doesn't work. i also tried to right click on the note and click 'generate report from selected item' before i use the search function, but it failed.
this is crucial for the way i work.
  • How did the report fail? You should be able to generate a report and then search through the contents of the report with Firefox's built in search function.
  • you are right, my mistake. it works!
    thanks a lot.
  • To expand on this a bit, I would like to be able to search for a word in a long note while the note is in the viewer on the right side of the screen without having to generate a report to do it. Is that possible?
  • At this time searching through reports is the only way to search through a note. If there is enough interest in developing this sort of feature and a solid plan for how to integrate it into the interface we could start a ticket for it.
  • edited May 4, 2009
  • FYI not mentioned in the ticket - TinyMCE has a search plugin. Seems like it should be as easy as dropping in the plugin code and enabling it.

    I thought about trying to hack it into my local install but haven't looked into it yet.

    Also there are some other (klugey) search options: select all and copy and paste into a text editor, or hit the "html" button to open the source - the normal firefox search works in the source window.
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