Using Bookmarklet

I use both Zotero for Firefox and the Zotero standalone on my home computer (a Mac). However, I sometimes need to work on documents using a work computer. This computer does not have Firefox and also will not allow me to download any new programs/extensions.

Will using the bookmarklet in Chrome on my work computer cause any problems with my personal Zotero program on my home computer? I understand that items saved with the bookmarklet are not categorized into particular folders, which is fine. I just want to be sure that it won't mess things up to use the bookmarklet.
  • It shouldn't cause any problems. Although if you can add bookmarks to Chrome, you can almost certainly install the Chrome extension. The bookmarklet is quite limited in which pages it can save, due to the limited privileges of bookmarklets in general and if you can get the extension, you should certainly do it.
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