Option to NOT have Automatic Import of Journal Abbreviations

I know that I am in the minority here so I am offering to pay someone to produce an add-in or some other way to turn off the automatic import of journal abbreviations from publishers' or other databases. I wish that Zotero could have a universal option to never do this. Perhaps, a plug-in could universally discard the abbreviations after the translator has imported them.

If this isn't possible, could there be developed a MODS export utility that optionally does not export the abbreviations?

The publisher-supplied abbreviations more often than not are wrong by any standard. If needed I can go into detail about the specifics of the journal/publisher publisher abbreviation problems but my earlier comments have contained many specific complaints. Many of the journals from Emerald, Springer, Taylor and Francis, Wiley, etc. seem more an in-house format than any real abbreviation.

I recognize that styles can handle most of the abbreviation issues but this still assumes that the NCBI/NLM abbreviations fit the style / manuscript target. Sometimes I want a particular style but the standard or the abbreviation tool's abbreviation isn't what I need.

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