Is it correct APA 6th edition citiation of a magazine article

I cited it as magazine article in Zotero, and desired format is APA 6th edition. I therefore do not get a URL link. I am wondering if it is correct and enough for a reader to access the citation below.

Canyon or mirage? (2004, January 22). The Economist, 69.

Actual URL from where I took the reference.

Regards, farooq.
  • edited June 12, 2017
    I just imported it (Save to Zotero using The Economist) and created a bibliography of the item (right click Export item... ) using APA 6th and it comes out like this:

    Canyon or mirage? (2004, January 22). The Economist. Retrieved from

    Item type is: "Magazine Article"
  • depends on whether or not you add the page number. If you do, Zotero assumes you're referring to the print edition.
  • Thanks very much damnation and adamsmith.

    So in my case, Zotero assumed that I am referring to print edition, because I used page number. However, in reality I used electronic version. Does that really matter? Cite what you see policy seems to fail here. Because I would want to give page number to the reader, but then is URL really necessary? Reader can ofcourse put in search engine and go to orignal source.
  • In general, URLs are probably preferred over page numbers (this is the position of the official APA guide to electronic references [the 2012 update to APA style]).
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