[5.0 Beta] 'Show file' not working since latest update

The right click menu 'Show file' option was broken with the latest update. The issue appears to be that the path Zotero tries to open contains the name of the PDF itself, when it clearly shouldn't.

version => 5.0-beta.206+ad37741fd, platform => Linux x86_64, oscpu => Linux x86_64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 5.0-beta.206+ad37741fd, extensions => ZotFile (5.0.0b2, extension), Shockwave Flash (, plugin), Zotero LibreOffice Integration (5.0.2.SA.5.0-beta.206+ad37741fd, extension, disabled)
  • On the Windows is latest beta.203 and there it works.
  • What distro? Can you provide a Debug ID for a Show File attempt (if it logs anything)? This is working for us.
  • edited June 8, 2017
    The debug is below. I'm running elementary OS (https://elementary.io/) which is based on Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit. This used to work just fine until the latest update.

    The problem is clear: the name of the PDF file is added to the path so Zotero tells the file manager to access '/home/user/ZoteroFolder/nameofPDF.pdf/' instead of just '/home/user/ZoteroFolder/'

    [JavaScript Error: "item ID '8634' is not an integer (string)"]

    [JavaScript Error: "item ID '8634' is not an integer (string)"]

    [JavaScript Error: "item ID '8634' is not an integer (string)"]

    version => 5.0-beta.207+0495f2920, platform => Linux x86_64, oscpu => Linux x86_64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 5.0-beta.207+0495f2920, extensions => ZotFile (5.0.0b2, extension), Shockwave Flash (, plugin), Zotero LibreOffice Integration (5.0.3.SA.5.0-beta.207+0495f2920, extension, disabled)


    (3)(+0008125): Viewing item in pane 0

    (3)(+0000000): Refreshing item box


    (3)(+0000008): MIME type application/pdf cannot be handled internally


    (3)(+0000024): Notifier.trigger('open', 'file', [8637]) called [observers: 2]
  • On Mac with 5.0beta207 – all works fine.
  • @Gabriel_p: Can you upgrade to 209 and generate another Debug ID? (Don't need to post the output here.)
  • @dstillman done, the Debug ID is D190341785. Is this what you needed?
  • Yeah, so this means that the Mozilla nsIFile.reveal() command isn't working properly on your system. Betas after 202 are based on a newer version of Firefox (50->54), which might explain the change. Hard to say if it's specific to your system until someone else tries on Elementary, but in our testing this still works on Ubuntu and Kubuntu. One thing you could try is downloading the latest Firefox 54 Beta and trying to show a file from the Downloads window.
  • Ok, just downloaded Firefox 54.0b13 (64-bit), opend it and downloaded a PDF. Double clicking on it from the drop down Download menu opens the file just fine. Same thing if I click on 'Show all downloads' which opens a new window named 'Library', I can double click on the name of the file and it will open with no issues.

    If I click on 'Open containing folder' (right click menu on the downloaded file) within the 'Library' window, the correct folder is shown (where the PDF exists)

    Anything else I should test?
  • Just wanted to let you know that this is still broken in my system.

    If there's anything I can do to help solve this issue, please let me know.

    version => 5.0-beta.231+f7c1c56d7, platform => Linux x86_64, oscpu => Linux x86_64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 5.0-beta.231+f7c1c56d7, extensions => ZotFile (5.0.0b2, extension), Shockwave Flash (, plugin), Zotero LibreOffice Integration (5.0.3.SA.5.0-beta.231+f7c1c56d7, extension, disabled)
  • I just tried with the latest elementary OS (0.4.1 Loki), running as a live CD, and it worked fine.
  • You can test in a new temporary Zotero profile by passing -P to the executable. That would at least tell you if it's something in your Zotero profile or something in your system settings.
  • I created a new profile and added a test article. When selecting 'Show file', I see again the full path to the file *including* the name of the file (which is not what should happen I guess):


    In spite of this, the folder that contains this file is correctly opened, even when this (wrong?) path is used.

    Now I'm thinking that this could be related to the Zotfile 5.0 Beta add-on? I have it set up to manage the location of files and store them in a custom location. I'll open an issue in the add-on's Github to see if this could be the reason.
  • Before looking at ZotFile, try manually creating a link to a file from Zotero and see if show file works for that.
  • /home/gabriel/Zotero/storage/RFXEHLUS/Gaia_media_kit_v20160921.pdf/
    FWIW, this is not what I see with the live CD. I see the folder path, as expected. You can try it yourself. This is a configuration change on your system, or something from an older version of Elementary.
  • edited July 8, 2017
    I tried the following using a PDF named 'Smith 2018 - test.pdf':

    1. Create a test article and add the PDF using Zotero's 'Add attachment/Add stored copy of file'. 'Show file' tries to open the link:


    Notice the '0's instead of spaces in the link.

    2. Create a test article and add a link to the PDF using Zotero's 'Add attachment/Add link to file'. 'Show file' tries to open the link:


    Again, '0's instead of spaces.

    3. Create a test article and add a PDF with Zotfile's 'Attach new file' feature (which monitors my 'Descargas' folder). The link I get is:


    Again, '0's instead of spaces in the link.

    @dstillman I'm running Loki 0.4.1 64 bit, it's the latest version. There's nothing I could configure from 'Files' (the file explorer app), since there's no option to do so.
  • Did you try with the live CD, as I suggested?

    A filename with spaces works fine for me as well.

    Stored vs. linked shouldn't make a difference. The same code is run on both.
  • edited July 8, 2017
    There's nothing I could configure from 'Files' (the file explorer app), since there's no option to do so.
    Not saying it's something in the Files app — just something on your system that differs from the default configuration of the live CD, which you can test yourself.
  • If you already tried the live CD and found that it works, that's good enough for me.

    How can I check (assuming it is something in my system) *what* is different in my system?
  • No idea, I'm afraid.
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