[5.0 beta] "Too many sync attempts -- stopping" (Report ID: 1560211387)

I was using 5.0-beta.202 on my Windows 10 PC and beta.205 on my Mac.

Sync failed today on my PC (beta.202) with the error "Too many sync attempts -- stopping". I've been using 5.0 beta for a while without issues and this is the first time I've seen this. Exiting and restarting Zotero did not solve it. Upgrading to beta.203 did not solve it.

Sync succeeds on my Mac (beta.205).

What would you recommend I try? (reset?)

Report ID is 1560211387.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that fails?
  • edited June 7, 2017
    I'm sorry, the problem went away and is not reproducible any more.

    I wanted to keep working on my thing, so I exited Zotero Standalone, enabled saving straight to zotero.org on my Chrome extension, and saved two new papers straight to zotero.org. I started up my Zotero Standalone on my PC after that and the sync succeeded.

    I will post again if the problem resurfaces.

    Edit: P.S. Btw, thank you for your very quick reply and all your work on Zotero.
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