WebDav user accounts

We are trying to see whether we can setup webdav for fulltext syncing. We have few questions.

We have setup webdav on Rehat server through following steps


We wish to allow all users to keep all their fulltext on webdav with their LDAP login/passwrd or some other login/pasword. If we create a login/password webdav accepts only one login/password and if we run following command it overwrites earlier login/passwrd details

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/.htpasswd dev

We need help on this.

We wish to know whether we can create groups if we use webdav. We also wish to know whether we need to have zotero login/passwd to sync files to webdav.

  • Can't help you with your webDAV setup, but the answer to your two other questions is no and kind of:
    1. You can't use WebDAV to sync files in groups (authentication would be quite tricky)
    2. You don't need the zotero login/pw to sync the files, technically, but the WebDAV file sync relies on a concurrent Zotero data sync, for which you of course do need Zotero login information.
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