Showing / hiding fields in Info pane

(This is in reference to Zotero Desktop on macOS.)

When I look at the list of fields available in Advanced Search, I see many fields that are not displayed in the Info pane for a selected reference (e.g., Country). How can I get access to these fields for a selected reference? Is there a way to turn on display of fields that are not shown by default?

  • No, the fields in the advanced search are across all item types (so e.g. "Country" for patents) and you can't enable any additional fields.
    FWIW, it would also help you little with citations, as the citation styles for the most part assume roughly the set of fields in Zotero.
  • Thanks, this is helpful.

    This raises another question... Based on some old discussions I've seen about adding custom fields, it appeared custom fields were not going to be implemented because they could break universal compatibility. If I want to add additional info to references for my own purposes (unrelated to use in citations in text), are tags the only (or best) way to go? For example, if I wanted to track country of first author on journal articles, I suppose I could create a series of tags like "country-US", "country-CH", "country-UK", etc. Is there a better way?

  • Yeah, tags or notes are your best bet. Custom fields are now officially on the roadmap, though with no ETA.
  • OK, thanks for the swift responses.
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