Zotero to Word and viceversa: adding custom citations / links

Hello there,

Although I've been using Zotero standalone for years as a bibliographic database, I'm just getting acquainted with the Word plugin, so this is, by every means, a beginner's question.

I'm trying to link references in my private research notes with items in my Zotero library. Picture these notes as word docs with hierarchic lists of concepts / keywords and their respective references in author-date format: X 1915, Y 2014: 30-40 and so on, some accompanied by short comments. They are definitely not footnotes, nor are they exactly inline citations, but they should somehow take me back to my Zotero bibliographic entry for quick reference. In order to achieve this, I've tried two solutions:

(1) adding them as usual citations. This doesn't work as expected, since inline citation styles usually add parentheses to the core reference and, as I soon found out, customizing styles is not that easy. Moreover, the only way to jump from this citation to the entry is through the editing interface... which is about as fast as looking up the reference manually in Zotero.

(2) tentative workaround: linking the textual reference (no plugin used) with the item in my online library (e.g. https://www.zotero.org/mousike/items/itemKey/333K23GA). Now, when I paste the link above in my browser, it works; when I access it through the Word hyperlink, it only takes me to the Zotero home page.

Am I missing something obvious here, or should I just learn to customize my own CSL?


P.S. Needless to say, the utility of my research notes altogether would be dramatically reduced by a reliable hierarchic tagging system in Zotero itself, but that one's already on Santa's list...
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