1) Warn on broken dragndrop 2) complete metadata

1) That drag'n'drop for PDFs is broken in linux is known, so it would be nice if recognizing my useragent as linux, zotero wouldn't do whatever it does when I tried to drag and drop (freak out, make it look like my library is deleted). A little popup "this won't work for you!" is much preferable to exploding.

2) On some cites (example: The Lancet) I'll be able to save a citation, but the metadata will be incomplete (missing page numbers). It would be nice to have the same function which takes retrieved PDF metadata and finishes it with scholar be able to pull these missing bits in.
  • Can you provide some example URLs for 2), while indicating what metadata is missing? Google Scholar isn't the most reliable resource for looking up metadata, so it might be preferable to improve the site translator.
  • thelancet.com apparently no longer is recognized at all. That was my example of sub-optimal translation.

    I think you can take as given though that some articles will initially have e-pub ahead of print and then acquire page numbers later. If not Scholar, pubmed or another index.
  • There is no site-specific translator for thelancet.com. Perhaps it had embedded RDF or COinS at one time? For what it is worth, the real article (on sciencedirect) imports fine.
  • edited April 14, 2009
    Do you still have an item in your collection that you saved from the Lancet website? What is filled in in the Repository field? I can't find any mention of an existing translator for the Lancet at all either in the code or on the forums.
  • No, I needed them to work so I deleted and replaced them with the science direct version. As an example of something that doesn't have page numbers yet, but will, check doi:10.1111/j.1467-985X.2008.00582.x

    Looking through my library from before when I started checking to make sure I had the metadata, I see a few other embedded RDF which got some of the data (title, date, author), which is enough to find the article.
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