Sort Timeline to dates in document?

edited May 26, 2017
From what I can tell, the Zotero timeline does not do this, but I'm sure the software to do what I want exists.

Can anyone point me toward a timeline software that would scan a pdf, doc or website for years, dates or decades in text and allow me to navigate the doc (or batch of docs would be better) in a timeline?


*Title edited for clarification*
  • The Zotero timeline function as well as that of other timeline software allows a user to place events (such as publication dates of items in a list or library) on a graphic representation of the order of those events.

    You seem to want something else. Please describe in more detail what you mean by "navigate the doc". There are many kinds of quite powerful text-analysis tools that might meet your needs.
  • Thanks DWL-SDCA: I have several historical documents in my library. Many of them are not organized chronologically as they move through the historical details of their subject. The software I'm looking for would scan the full-text of one (or a batch) of documents for full dates, years or decades to provide the user with a sorted timeline. From there, I might click on a date in that timeline and view the portion of the document in which the date was found.

    Does that make sense?
  • Yes. Your description is now quite clear. I don't know of software that does fills your need but (as I can see its usefulness) such software might exist.
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