Removing Parenthesis From Citation


For some reason all of my citations have parenthesis imbeded in them. For example:
Wang, W. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2000, 203 (1–2), 1.

When I use the same style in endnote, it displays it correctly as follows:
Wang, W. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2000, 203, 1.

Is there a way to edit the style so that this does not happen?

  • The "parentheses" are the issue number(s) of the journal in which the article is printed. In ACS style (is that what you're using here?), we include issue information as it is required for journals that are paginated by issue and not by volume and we have no way of telling.

    You can edit styles, yes:
  • Thank you very much for the response. Yes, I am using ACS style. The preference of my boss is that the issue number not be included in the citation. I should just be able to delete this part of the code in the style, correct?
  • yeah, if you just delete <text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/> that should do it. See the rest of the instructions (how to edit, how to get back into Zotero, etc.) above
  • Treat, that worked. Thank you so much!
  • @adamsmith is not the way add "general" ACS style without issue to the repository? There is a lot of variants of ACS styles.
  • Right, but that's exactly the problem. If we wanted to add a "no issue number" version for all of them, that'll double the number. We need to maintain all of these....
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