Bibliography in LibreOffice: clickable DOI

I've tried to search for quite a while but I have found nothing, hopefully someone will be able to help.
I'm customising a style to use it for the references in my PhD thesis, that I'm writing in LibreOffice Writer. At the end of every journal article citation in the bibliography I've added a field to print the doi of the article. Now, I would like to turn the doi text into a hyperlink that points to the doi url so that once the thesis will be in pdf format readers will be able to just click on the doi text and access the cited article easily. Mind you: I don't want to add the url field of the reference, I just want to add a hyperlink to the doi by adding (as a prefix or something){doi text}
Is this possible at all?

  • edited May 14, 2017
    In your style, change your DOI line to:
    <text variable="DOI" prefix=""/>

    Note that Zotero can't transform the URL into a clickable link, but you can (after you have finished making all other changes to your document), select the bibliography text and then use LibreOffice's autoformat function to do that.
  • edited May 14, 2017
    Hi, thanks for the answer. I knew how to do that, what I would like to do is the equivalent of the html:

    <a href=">doinumber</a>

    so that only doinumber (without the http etc. etc.) is shown in the bibliography, but I guess it's not possible, as you say. Thank you for the tip on the AutoFormat, I didn't know that. Now I'll just have to decide if I prefer not having the hyperlink or displaying the whole url I guess (no way I'm going to manually edit every single reference to remove the url from the text)
  • CrossRef and other DOI coordinating organizations much prefer that DOIs be displayed as a URL in order to emphasize that they are a location to readers.
  • Hi, sorry for bothering again. The day you told me about the autoformat trick in Writer I found it after a Google search and it was working like a charm. I was stupid enough not to bookmark the webpage with the explanation on how to do it and now I've searched for more than half an hour and I can't find it anymore. Would you mind telling me (if you remember the steps) how to run the autoformat on LibreOffice to convert the link (in the end I decided to write down the full URL). I've tried to go to Tools -> Autocorrection -> Apply (I vaguely remembered that I did something like that two weeks ago) but it's not working.

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