Search in the titles for Collections and Subcollections

How do I search for a word, a term, or an expression in the titles for Collections and Subcollections?
  • You can't currently. Generally planned, but no ETA.
  • I think this feature would be very important for Zotero.
    This is because Zotero is a powerful tool for organizing bibliographic information.
    So the Collections and Sub-Collections tree in a Library can grow a lot, and the ability to organize and rearrange this tree is also important for organizing information in Zotero.
  • But you can press + to expand all subcollections and then just start typing a collection name to select it (which only works if the search term is at the beginning of the collection name).
  • +1 for this feature. I do a high degree of my organization within Zotero using Collections, so a robust ability to search for terms within Collection names would be very useful.

    @dstillman thanks for the tip as a helpful interim step!
  • edited December 15, 2017
    dstillman, you just save my life !
    Thank you !
  • I have implemented an alternative "solution" that works very well. In each Collection / Subcollection I create I also create a standalone Note with the full name of that Collection / Subcollection. In order for this Note to be at the top of the central Collection / Subcollection area I begin the Note name with a "_" sign. Because the Zotero search tool is very powerful, and it also searches the text of the Notes, it allows me to search very effectively for the name or part of the name of the Collections / Subcollections in the Library.
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