Zotero Microsoft Word - how to cite "Author et al." - APA

When I insert an APA citation into Microsoft word, if there are multiple authors in the source Zotero will list all of the authors (ex: Dvorak, Christiansen, Fischer, & Underhill, 2011) instead of citing correctly: (Dvorak et al., 2011). How can I make Zotero change this without having to manually go in and change it myself every time?
  • It is correct APA style to list all of the authors (up to five) the first time an item is cited and then to use "et al." subsequently. The Zotero style is working correctly.
  • APA is a good style for most purposes. How can I cause it to list all of the authors rather thsn up to five or some other arbitrary number? Regards, mtcstle
  • You want all authors listed in author-date form in text? That seems like a bad idea. Why clutter your text with endless author lists? There are many styles that list all authors in the biblography.
    But if you really want to, here are instructions for editing CSL styles: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles/style_editing_step-by-step
  • You are right, I want the authors listed in the bibliography, not in text. I'll see if I can work out how to mod the APA with the guide. Thanks adamsmith.
  • You'll just need to delete et-al-min="8" et-al-use-first="6" in line 622 and it will list all authors. :)
  • Thanks damnation. I thought it would be something as simple as that but it's been over a year since I last edited a style. mtcstle
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