APA style - access dates & DOI query

I'm new to using Zotero - overall enjoying the program.
Having just begun producing bibliographies there are two small problems in APA style:

1. Zotero is providing access dates when these are no longer part of the citation style

2. Even when a DOI is entered in the DOI field, Zotero produces the URL (often from a database) instead of the DOI

What is the best way to address these issues?
  • 1. Zotero only prints access dates for webpages in APA. It is not the case that access dates are no longer part of APA style. Instead, APA tells you to include them where content is likely to change. A content type webpage is a pretty good indication that this is the case.

    2. That is not the case, but you may be confused by the fact that Zotero displays DOIs as URLs, as recommended by APA: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/doi_in_apa
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