Printing ZotFile Annotations
Hi All,
Does anyone know how to print the extracted annotations from ZotFile? I have tried the following:
1. Opening the annotation file to see if there is a print option, there isn't. It also doesn't list the source file in this option;
2. Exporting the annotation file: there isn't a text format available, CSV seems to export field names, and not content; and
3. Right click on the annotation file and select 'Generate report from item'. This seems to be the most ideal option. It opens as a Zotero page that looks similar to a web browser, it lists the source name (although full bibliographic entry would be ideal), and then details the annotations. However, when I select 'print' from the file menu, nothing happens. I can save it as a text file, but it is plain text format... so all formatting is lost, and it is difficult to read.
I know that I could do the old 'copy/paste' into word... but I'm hoping for an automated option.
I'm using standalone. TIA :-)
Does anyone know how to print the extracted annotations from ZotFile? I have tried the following:
1. Opening the annotation file to see if there is a print option, there isn't. It also doesn't list the source file in this option;
2. Exporting the annotation file: there isn't a text format available, CSV seems to export field names, and not content; and
3. Right click on the annotation file and select 'Generate report from item'. This seems to be the most ideal option. It opens as a Zotero page that looks similar to a web browser, it lists the source name (although full bibliographic entry would be ideal), and then details the annotations. However, when I select 'print' from the file menu, nothing happens. I can save it as a text file, but it is plain text format... so all formatting is lost, and it is difficult to read.
I know that I could do the old 'copy/paste' into word... but I'm hoping for an automated option.
I'm using standalone. TIA :-)
adamsmithPrinting from reports has been fixed for Zotero 5.0 which is available as a (pretty mature/reliable) beta version.
sicahjesI'm having trouble locating the Beta version. The download page doesn't have the beta version listed, and I can't see how to access via standalone. Do you have a link?
sicahjesDon't worry - I found the thread with the download :-)