Style Request: Springer VS - Chicago Manual of Style (author-date, German)

edited May 5, 2017
I need to use a simplified variant of the Chicago author-date style for a German edited volume. I think the Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS) style is a good but not perfect match. At first sight, only the display of online documents without a DOI needs changing. Can you help with this?

Current KZfSS output looks like:
Frisch, Mathias. 2007. Does a low-entropy constraint prevent us from influencing the past? (Zugegriffen Juni 26, 2007).
However, it should look like:

- Online‐Dokument (ohne DOI)
Frisch, Mathias. 2007. Does a low‐entropy constraint prevent us from influencing the past? PhilSci archive. Zugegriffen: 26.
Juni 2007.
I see three differences:
1) "PhilSci archive." is not displayed.
2) The date of access is formatted differently.
3) The "." after the URL.

I have noticed one more requirement. Springer VS only want the DOI for journal articles that have not been added to an issue. Is that possible with Zotero?


- Online‐first publizierter Zeitschriftenartikel mit DOI
Suleiman, Camelia, Dalia . O’Connell, und Sabine Kowal. 2002. ‘If you and I, if we, in this later day, lose that sacred fire...’: Perspective in political interviews. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. doi: 10.1023/A:1015592129296.
Next I provide the requested standard formatting examples:

In-text citation: (Campbell und Pedersen 2007)

Campbell, John L., und Ove K. Pedersen. 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success: Denmark in the global economy. Comparative Political Studies 40: 307–332.

Mares, Isabela. 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In Varieties of capitalism: The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Hrsg. Peter A. Hall und David Soskice, 184–213. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Below are some more style examples provided by the publisher Springer VS.

Willke, Hellmut. 2014. Regieren. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Buch mit mehreren Autoren: 
Böcher, Michael, und Annette Elisabeth Töller. 2012. Umweltpolitik in Deutschland. Eine politikfeldanalytische Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 

in einer Buchreihe: 
Tetzlaff, Rainer, und Cord Jakobeit. 2005. Das nachkoloniale Afrika. Buchreihe Grundwissen Politik, Bd. 35. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 

- Sammelband
Baur, Nina, Hermann Korte, Martina Löw, und Markus Schroer, Hrsg. 2008. Handbuch
Soziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Aufsatz in einem Sammelband: 
Luthe, Ernst‐Wilhelm. 2013. Gesundheitliche Versorgung und kommunale Selbstverwaltungsgarantie. In Gesundheitliche Versorgung und kommunale Selbstverwaltungsgarantie, Hrsg. Ernst‐Wilhelm Luthe, 69–85. Wiesbaden: Springer. 

Aufsatz in Sammelband mit mehreren Autoren: 
Mühling, Tanja, und Marina Rupp. 2008. Familie. In Handbuch Soziologie, Hrsg. Nina 
Baur, Hermann Korte, Martina Löw und Markus Schroer, 77–95. Wiesbaden: Springer VS

Zeitschriftenartikel (ein oder mehrere Autoren): 
Koenig, Matthias, und Christof Wolf. 2014. Religion und Gesellschaft. Kölner Zeitschrift 
für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Sonderheft 53: 1–24.
  • edited May 4, 2017

    Thanks for the elaborate examples.
    What's this "German edited volume" called? Would it be worth for us to take this up into the repository so other users can use it, too?
  • The publisher Springer VS uses different citation styles. I think a Springer VS Chicago author-date style variant would be nice. However, given that they are not 100% consistent it might be of limited value.
  • edited May 4, 2017
    Oh it's called "Springer VS". I read that as versus.
    We can certainly make a style for this, especially if it's only a few changes needed as indicated. Can you link to the style guidelines/documentation? (edit: I'll get it sent via PM)

    Just to double check, you checked all the other Springer styles in the repo?
  • where do you have the "Phil Archive" in the above example in Zotero?
  • Is it possible to realise the display of a DOI only for online first articles?

    BTW, due to copy and paste I lost the italics in the provided examples but they are in the PDF that I can send you and should not deviate from KZfSS.

    @damnation No, but did it now. Springer Humanities (author-date) is the closest style apart from KZfSS.

    @adamsmith When "ItemType: Document" then in "Publisher". I'm not sure which ItemType would be most appropriate for online documents without DOI and produce the intended output.
  • edited May 4, 2017
    You can add italics by using short html (have a look here:

    I like how you gave all the necessary examples here, so I had a quick go at the style. Right click and save as:

    The style is currently set to German and that way the date comes out in the required format for you. The KfZSS style wasn't set up for that before.
    Three things I need from you now:
    1. The link to and the pdf with the documentation, so I can upload it and include it in the citation style for future reference.
    2. It looks like there is a german and english documentation depending on the language it is written in. If you have both documenations, can you check if they differ? Depending on that we'll have to see what we do with the style.
    3. Test the style and report back if it works and we can fix mistakes.
  • edited May 5, 2017

    below is an inofficial link to the official Springer VS instructions that allow for APA or Chicago and allow for full or abbreviated forenames. It contains errors though and is not completely identical with the PDF version that I have received.

    The style seems to work fine. I have only noticed one thing so far. I cite three reports and the order in which they are displayed is wrong (2008 after 2010a). See:
    NSchI. 2010a. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    NSchI. 2008. Periodischer Bericht. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    NSchI. 2010b. Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    In-text citation of multiple authors produces three different instead of one instance.

    Currently wrong:
    (NSchI 2010a)
    (NSchI 2010b)
    (NSchI 2008)

    Should be:
    (NSchI 2008, 2010a, 2010b)

    I would name the style "Springer VS Chicago (author-date, German)" to be more specific about it.

    Thanks for your work!
  • In-text citation of multiple authors produces three different instead of one instance.

    Currently wrong:
    (NSchI 2010a)
    (NSchI 2010b)
    (NSchI 2008)

    Should be:
    (NSchI 2008, 2010a, 2010b)
    I got correct output, did you really add them as multiple authors?
  • edited May 5, 2017
    I co-write a paper with a colleague who uses Endnote. I therefore created the citation via Zotero Standalone by selecting the three reports from Zotero Standalone and then using the "Create a Bibliography from Items..." option. However, also when I work with the Zotero Word Processor Plugin the date order is reversed "(NSchI 2010b, 2010a, 2008)". Is that perhaps the Chicago style default? I always thought that one should start with the oldest year as in the reference list.
  • edited May 5, 2017
    In the style from damnation is not defined sorting key for in-line citation, so the output is sorted probably in order you add the references in your document (in-line citation). In the bibliography is sorting key defined only by author and title. For output in this order:
    NSchI. 2008. Periodischer Bericht. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    NSchI. 2010a. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    NSchI. 2010b. Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.
    is necessary to add new sorting key "year-date" before title sorting key.
  • edited May 5, 2017
  • edited May 5, 2017
    According CMoS, and the examples in Springer Humanties Style and the Springer Manuscript guidelines for German books, the first letter after a colon separating title and subtitle has to be capitalized. I know that this is already done for APA but I don't know what CSL code does this.


    Mares, Isabela. 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In Varieties of capitalism: The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Hrsg. Peter A. Hall und David Soskice, 184–213. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Currently the book title is not capitalized at the beginning of the subtitle:
    Mares, Isabela. 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In Varieties of capitalism: the institutional foundations of comparative advantage, Hrsg. Peter A. Hall und David Soskice, 184–213. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    I had some journal articles with the title in sentence case as entries in Zotero Standalone. Still, some were capitalized after the colon and the other were not. The solution was to create agreement of title and short title regarding capitalization.
  • edited May 5, 2017
    @damnation Even when I use "Keep Sources Sorted" I get the following output with springer-vs-author-date-german.csl:
    (NSchI 2008, 2010b, 2010a)
    However, 2010a should come before 2010b.

    I still get the wrong order of dates in the reference list:
    NSchI. 2010a. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    NSchI. 2008. Periodischer Bericht. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    NSchI. 2010b. Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.
  • The code
    <key macro="issued" sort="ascending"/>
    have to be changed on
    <key macro="year-date" sort="ascending"/>
    and this key have to be add to bibliography part too. Then you get correct output.
  • The reported problems with the order of in-text citations and bibliography are also evident in the KZfSS style. They do not happen with the Springer Humanities (author-date) style. However, that style is in English, displays DOIs indiscriminately and does not display date of access and URL for online documents without a DOI. So perhaps a well executed merger between both styles would do the trick.

    @LiborA I played around with the code snippet but had no luck. My understanding of CSL is not sufficient for the task.
  • edited May 8, 2017
    @damnation It looks pretty good right now. The only thing I've noticed is that the assignment of (2010a) and (2010b) has changed.
    NSchI. 2010a. Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.

    NSchI. 2010b. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI) Zugegriffen: 31. März 2017.
    According to the CMoS parent style they should be "listed alphabetically by title". In the above case they are reversed.
  • Unfortunately not. The problem persists. In addition, the in-text citation is in a bit in a mess.
    (NSchI 2008, 2010b, 2010a)
    I re-checked the previous version and it actually has the same order problem. The in-text citation order would be correct, if the year disambiguation would not have been mixed up in the first place.

    This is how it looks with Springer Humanities:
    (NSchI 2008; NSchI 2010a; NSchI 2010b)

    NSchI. 2008. Periodischer Bericht. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    NSchI. 2010a. Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    NSchI. 2010b. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    The year disambiguation is also not correct when (as it should be) it is based on CMoS.

    Apparently, even the CMoS CSL style gets it wrong. See below:
    (NSchI 2010a, 2008, 2010b)
    NSchI. 2008. „Periodischer Bericht“. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    ———. 2010a. „Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen“. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    ———. 2010b. „Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils“. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    I'm puzzled. I hope you can figure something out.
  • @adamsmith
    I need the cavalry. Can you help?
  • edited May 10, 2017
    @damnation try to use
    <key macro="year-date"/>
    insted of
    <key variable="issued"/>
    in line 159

    I think it should work.
  • I'm not sure if it helps but the three NSchI entries are defined in Zotero as "Item Type: Report". Perhaps the correct ordering function for reports is not defined in the styles? Just a guess though.

    Can anyone reproduce the errors that I have found?
  • @zurpher the type of document does not affect the ordering.
    Sorry I can say that I am lost in all posts here. Can you exactly define errors in the output from last style from damnation?
  • Reports by the same author and the same year should be "listed alphabetically by title".
    NSchI. 2010. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    should come before
    NSchI. 2010. Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    in in-text citations and the reference list. However, as shown in the examples above, this is currently not the case. (This appears to be a problem across a number of styles.)
  • The order in the bibliography is correct but the order in the in-text citation still looks like (NSchI 2008, 2010b, 2010a). It should be (NSchI 2008, 2010a, 2010b).

    One "." is missing at the end of Place: Institution. As in:
    NSchI. 2010. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI). ...
    I can see that we are getting closer. Thanks.
  • Can you share Zotero records for these three reports. I would like to test it locally.
  • edited May 10, 2017
    Despite having "Keep Sources Sorted" selected the order of selecting the 2010 reports influences whether they are ordered correctly in in-text citationations: 2010a before 2010b. So if I select
    NSchI. 2010. Indikatoren des Qualitätsprofils. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    first, I get the correct (NSchI 2008, 2010a, 2010b) output. However, if I select
    NSchI. 2010. Unterrichtsbeobachtungsbogen für allgemein bildende Schulen in Niedersachsen. Bad Iburg: Niedersächsische Schulinspektion (NSchI).
    first, then I get the wrong output (NSchI 2008, 2010b, 2010a). Can this be avoided?

    Please remember to add the "." as requested above. Thanks!
  • I think the "." is added.
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