Prehospital Emergency Care Citation Format

edited May 2, 2017
Could someone point me in the direction of a style similar to this? Also, what is the process for submitting a journal format to be created in Zotero?

"List references in consecutive numerical order (not alphabetically). All citations to a reference should be to the original number. Every reference must be cited at least once in the text or a table. References to journal articles should include, in the following order: a) all authors (do not use the et al. designation); b) title and subtitle if any; c) journal name; d) year; e) volume number; f) issue number (or month), for journals such as JEMS that do not number pages consecutively throughout the year; g) year. Include volume and edition, specific pages, and translators when appropriate. The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references and text citations."
  • Try searching by example here:

    (Note that you have to format the supplied reference data, not any random citation.)

    If you don't find one that is close, you can request a new style by following these instructions here:
  • Prehospital Emergency Care style is essentially Vancouver style. Zotero has several "flavors" of this style. Pick the one that is closest to the Taylor & Francis ScholarOne requirement that is requested. That is likely to be either square brackets or superscripted reference numbers. I cannot tell you specifically because the current author guidance is spread across several pages [each with incomplete information] and I could find none that was specific on this point. Do not select your style based on what you see at the end of each article. The needs for manuscript review differ from the final printed version.
  • Have a look at the style for Medicinal Research Reviews.
    Looks like a pretty good fit.
    If there is some discrepancies, please let us know.
    We want to help as many people out there and include this style, if that is as just a dependent to Medicinal Research Reviews or it's own separate style.
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