Unwanted marks after import

A colleague of mine just emailed me his Zotero library in RIS format and in BibTeX format.
All his references are perfect in his Zotero library, but if I import his file in my own library, I got problems in each reference's title including words that start with a capital letter. The words in question are enclosed within curly brackets, which is a huge problem !
I only imported his file, should I have done differently ? Is there an encoding problem somewhere ?
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,
  • That's quite odd -- this happens even with the RIS? (and what exactly do you mean "in RIS format and in BibTeX format"? Those are two separate files, yes?)
    Which version of Zotero are you using? How exactly did you import?
  • Yes, I tried to import the BibTeX file at first, and when it didn't work as I wanted, I asked for the RIS format which didn't work either.
    I am using the Zotero version. I just clicked on the "Import" button, next to the Preferences button, and selected the file I wanted to import...
  • Start by updating Zotero to the most recent version ( assuming you're in Firefox, which seems to be the case). Then reset translators from the advanced tab of the preferences.

    If that doesn't help, open both the RIS and the bibtex file and copy&paste an entry which imports incorrectly here.

    FWIW, the best format for sharing references between Zotero instances is still Zotero RDF.
  • Thank you very much, it works !
    I didn't know that Zotero RDF was the best format, I will use it in the future...
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