XML Export Script Structure

I'm working on exporting Zotero library data that is to be imported to an FM application.

This posting [http://bluefeathergroup.com/blog/importing-xml-data-into-filemaker-using-xslt-xsl-style-sheets/] tells me to use the FileMaker import function, with an XSLT script. The values for the XML Data Source and XSL Style sheet are entered to the File | Import Records | XML Data Source dialog. I've mostly worked out the XSLT bit, but am not at all clear on structure/format of the XML Data Source.

The posting I referenced above does not use a Zotero export but rather an example from a weather site. I am looking for an example that uses Zotero as the export source. I am assuming that this would be likely be an .htm [or other suitable extension] file that would include authentication and the other pieces that the Zotero API needs to communicate the outside world, but I may be mistaken.

If I have posted this in the wrong place, my apologies.

Thank you very much,

Bill Cole

  • Zotero exports various XML formats (Zotero RDF, Bibliontology RDF, MODS) but those are pretty complex formats that may contain much more info than you're after. What information are you after mostly?
  • Thanks. I have a few Groups and would like to extract an item's Title, Author[s] and, perhaps, a handful of other elements, from each Group.

    This post [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12132470/xslt-to-translate-zotero-xml-output-to-fmpxmlresult-xml] from Stackoverflow, shows an example of how to make this happen, though it is incomplete, hence my Zotero post. From the example, additional Zotero MOD fields can be added to the XSLT script.

    I am assuming that one could modify this script accordingly, but, again, may be missing a detail that is leading me down a wrong path.

    Bill Cole
  • yeah, that post seems like the right way to go. I'm not aware of anyone having something more complete for transfer to filemaker, so you'd need to finalize the script.

    Alternatively, you could also write a new XML export from Zotero to Filemake format directly. I'd say that's a question of what route you're more comfortable with:
    converting the XML uses XSLT, Zotero translators use javascript. If you're somewhat OK writing XSLT, you're going to be faster using that.
  • If you are happy with XQuery instead of xslt this might be of interest: https://github.com/exc-asia-and-europe/zotero-importer
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