Exporting for EndNote - preserving notes & tags.

I've been experimenting a bit with Zotero - getting the best set of options for exporting ready for import to Endnote.
Initially I tried the "Endnote/Refer/Bibx" format, but realised that it didn't give me the option to save the notes. After a bit of experimentation, I've discovered that using the RIS lets me include both notes & tags (for import to Endnote X.0.2).
Am I doing something wrong in that I can't get the option for notes to be available in the "Endnote" export, or have I found the best way to do it?
Thanks for your help.
  • Using RIS is probably the best solution at this point. We plan to add support soon for Endnote's XML import/export format which will provide something closer to lossless transfer between the two applications.
  • I am trying to export from Endnote9 into zotero and RIS is not one of the export options from Endnote...and all of the endnote options, xml, rtf etc are not recognized by zotero...any suggestions...thanks
  • I think you can download an RIS export filter for EN 9 from the EN webpage - if you can't find it, ask EN support, they're very responsive - but beyond that, EN9 is almost 8 years old and we can't really support it, all more recent versions have RIS export by default.
    We'll still likely add EN XML, but they changed the format after EN9, so that likely won't help much.
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