Error 1531076047

Recently I am frequently experiencing a problem when I put a search term into Zotero, and it freezes due to its scanning (presumable to the servers. It may be happening when I first start Zotero, but I've never had this problem before in the many years I've used it.

Thanks for your help.
  • A few issues in your error report, but make sure you're fully in sync and aren't receiving a sync error, since repeated failed sync attempts (though unrelated to searching) would cause slowdowns.

    Beyond that, Zotero doesn't connect to the Zotero servers when you search, but depending on your library size a search may take a while. Try searching in Title, Creator, Year mode if you're in a different mode, and try closing the tag selector in the bottom left. (The tag selector should be faster in the upcoming Zotero 5.0.) You can also type " at the beginning of a search to keep it from searching until you press Return.
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