www.zotero.org freezing on every page I try to open in Chrome

Trying to view pages on Zotero website using Google Chrome and on every page I get an error message that says "undefined," page freezes and I can't advance until I click "OK" and then in the next message box click "Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs." Happening on every page I try to visit.
  • do you mean library pages or other pages like zotero.org/download etc.? Even when saying "every page", a couple of examples would be helpful.

    Also, none of the pages on zotero.org I'm aware of trigger automatic dialogs, so this suggests something broken on your and, e.g. some overactive Chrome extension.
  • Error msg occurs on every Zotero page I've clicked on, including https://www.zotero.org/, https://www.zotero.org/groups/, etc. Odd that this is the only website I'm encountering the error msg on. I've cleared my cache but that didn't solve the problem. I do have numerous extensions in Chrome - any idea which type might trigger this problem?
  • Temporarily disabling all your extensions would be the first step.
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