Citation Style conversion problem

Hi everyone,

I recently converted an MS Word document (I have microsoft 365 version that auto updates to latest MS office suite) from APA 6th edition to the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition full note. I need to convert the document back but unfortunately it will not let me do it when I open up the "set document preferences" tab. I have tried to copy and past the work into a new word document but that doesn't work either. Once it came up with an error saying that zotero is unable to complete this task, but the other time no changes occurred at all and no message appeared.

When I initially did the conversion from APA to Chicago it worked just fine and took about 5 minutes to do it, but it won't all me to convert it back.

Does anyone know what the problem could be and how I could fix it?


  • So at what point exactly does this stop working? You open the document preferences, select the new citation style, click OK and then it just takes forever/freezes? Or something else?
  • Hi Adam,

    After clicking "ok" I've had 2 different things happen. Once I received an error message and no changes occurred. The other, no message comes up but nothing happens and no changes occur. Does that help?

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