Error on PUBmed import

The following PMID=12769731 resulted in an errorneous shorttitle field. I sent a Error report with the ID 244279138
  • It looks correct to me when I import.

    Acylation stimulating protein and triacylglycerol synthesis: potential drug targets?

    Short Title:
    Acylation stimulating protein and triacylglycerol synthesis

    What do you mean by "erroneous short title field"?
  • shorttitle = {Ȁ⌀؀ਆࠆ ࠆຕ ࠆ؀؊ఈ؀ꔈ؀ਆࠆ ࠆᘃ ࠆ؀؊ఈ؀จᲥ ࠆ؀؊ఈ؀錈؀ਆࠆ ࠆᲛ ࠆ؀؊ఈ؀㼈\$؀},

    I had the error yesterday and could repeat it today.
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