Zotero web - My library - Create collection

edited March 26, 2017
When you try to create a new collection, the div is only 150px width (Really small), a small fix to solve that is changing the property
"width: 150px" to "width: 33%;" and also change the property "left: 450px" to "left: 33%" so it will dynamicly update, also, to prevent the div to be to small, you can use "min-width: 230px "

here you can see 3 screens
before: https://gyazo.com/f30472d350277c3f27bf63b24d8d5987
after : https://gyazo.com/8cf5e1d04e110d7d49d58253ced1b857
min-width: https://i.gyazo.com/55fdb69a8c64fe286c35393de5c4b4e1.png
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